PS 368 PA Executive Board Meeting 11/29/21


Dylan Easterday                            

Selim Tlili

Laura Davis                                    

Dina Garthwaite

Shanen Bambek                                          

Megan Coryat

Gabriela Jerez                               

Melanie Rodriguez

Anna Baldassare

501C3 filing

·       All we need is the filing date to submit everything online, will be able to accomplish this week

·       In case there is an audit – old by-laws can likely be used. 

·       Less required since donations are under 50k – confirm with Laura’s legal colleague

Update on by-laws

·       By laws need to be included in case IRS needs additional info.  By laws need to be updated.


Main things to agree upon

·       Mission/objectives

o   Megan has replacement text

·       Selim would like to strike “training” from article II – objectives

·       In part 3 – membership – adding C – explanation of roles and responsibilities of members of the PA leadership

·       Simplify article IV – using simplified language without sacrificing the flexibility of the current system

·       Megan and Selim will attempt to do a run by of language and return with something that is hopefully easier to read

·       Direct people to schools website for PA related emails

·       Term of office

o   update language on due diligence – following term limits bylaws

·       Appropriate notices regarding elections must be followed before anyone could run for additional term limits

·       Spanish translation of by laws

o   Potential long term (end of year) goal

§  Explore whether professional translation is warranted


Budget update

as of last statement:

·       balance: $5,901.53,

·       debits: none,

·       credits: check to deposit from Square1Art, $127.36

Digitizing statements – Dylan is exploring

Secure database for updates on ledger status (airtable)

Book fair  

·       Lots of feedback

·       Principal likes scholastic, parents prefer local book stores

·       Make sure books are priority

·       E-wallet has $325

·       Need to get to $1200 so that all students can get donations

Title I rep 

·       Chair a meeting to determine what we should spend our 1% of the budget for family needs/parent engagement

·       Resonsible for directing

·       Sophie did it last year and confirmed she is willing to do it again this year

EBT donations

·       PA wants to support the broader mission of supporting our students but wants to be specific in its mission.  We can support ways to support the school

·       Food bank of NY (Dylan to create a list of charities)

Public bulletin board

·       still using school website

·       Need to figure out how to do it – assign someone to it

Programming goals:

·       Reilley requests summer fair (welcome back to school/fund raiser)

·       Jessica Skelton agrees to co-chair

·       Square 1 art fundraiser – nix – poor cost/benefit

·       8 pm meetings – plan for the rest of the year





Bylaws of PS M368 Parent Association Inc.


Scholastic Book Fair 12/13-17/21